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We are excited to announce the return of our After-School Ski Program at Quoggy Jo Ski Center! This six-week skill-building curriculum is designed to guide students through the fundamentals of skiing, with opportunities for progression into ski gates and an introduction to racing based on skill and ability.


The program will start on January 13, 2025, and will be held on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, with the lodge opening at 3:00 pm. The cost is $80 per student. Rental equipment will be provided, or students may choose to use their own.

If a student would like to participate but the cost is a burden, please email us at as we have scholarships available for those students. 


*Washburn will be transporting students to and from the After School Ski Program on Monday night. If you wish to use this transportation, please register for Monday. 

*Students from Limestone and Caswell will register at their schools. Please do not register under the link if you are from one of these two schools

*Presque Isle will be providing transport on Tuesday nights.



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